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As we age, we begin to get wrinkles in our face. Wrinkles can be caused by the movements of the many muscles under the skin in our faces, or they may be caused by permanent indentations in the skin. Common wrinkles amenable to filler treatment include fine wrinkles around the mouth and chin. Wrinkles caused by permanent indentations (present even when the muscle is not moving) are amenable to filler treatment.

Fat loss due to aging can also be restored with filler, including plumping of the cheeks, eyelids, eyebrows and chin. Filler can also be used to correct deformities of the nose in some patients. Non-surgical facelifts, known as "liquid facelift" can also be performed using fillers.

Reasons for Considering Filler Injections

  • Wrinkles
  • Areas of depression in the skin
  • Cheek volumization
  • Non-surgical facelift
  • Non-surgical rhinoplasty
  • Volume addition to eyelids and eyebrows

Procedure Description
Fillers are injectable medications. They are given in the office using very fine needles. You may feel the injections, but they are universally well-tolerated by patients. If necessary, your skin can be numbed using a topical cream prior to Filler injection. You will need to apply ice to the treated areas right after the procedure for about 5-10 minutes.

There are many different Filler products available, including temporary, semi-permanent and permanent Fillers. You will discuss your concerns with your surgeon during the consultation and determine which Filler is right for you.

  • Anesthesia: Typically none, sometimes a topical anesthetic may be applied if necessary
  • Length of surgery: 15 to 30 minutes
  • Length of stay: Outpatient (home the same day)

Recovery Process and Final Result

  • Back to work: Immediately
  • Exercise: May be resumed in 24 hours
  • Discomfort: Very mild
  • Swelling: Very little
  • Bruising: May occur, but generally mild. Bruising is unpredictable but very mild if it happens and resolves within a week.

Much of the effect of Filler may be seen immediately depending on the type of Filler used. The more common Fillers may take up to 7 to 10 days to see a full effect. Other Fillers may take 3 months to see the full effect.