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Breast Reduction

For Smaller, More Shapely Breasts
Reasons for Considering Breast Reduction

  • If you have large, heavy breasts which may be the cause of breathing difficulties, back, shoulder and neck pain, poor posture, bra strap indentations and chafing or rashes under your breasts.
  • If you have excessive breast size, which may decrease your sense of attractiveness or self-confidence.
  • If large breasts interfere with your normal daily activities or with exercise.

Procedure Description
In a breast reduction your excess breast tissue, fat and any extra skin is removed. The nipple and surrounding tissue remains attached to your breast and is moved to a higher position on your chest. Occasionally liposuction is used during the procedure to reduce the size of the breast.

  • Anesthesia: Local or general
  • Length of stay: Outpatient (home the same day)

Recovery Process and Final Result

  • Exercise: May be resumed in 3 to 4 weeks
  • Bandages: You will wear a supprt bra for a few weeks after surgery. Your bra is worn as a "dressing" for 2 to 3 weeks.

Other Options For Your Consideration
Additional procedures that may enhance your results are liposuction of excess fat on the chest, abdomen, arms and legs, or contouring and flattering of the abdomen with a tummy tuck.

Insurance Information
This operation is occasionally covered by some, but not all, insurance companies. Pre-approval or denial is obtained from your insurance carrier before surgery based on your symptoms.